6C For Adults & Professionals

The 6Cs of Hexagon Taxonomy for Adults
6 is an amazing number. 6 is the first perfect number, which is a mathematical term meaning that 6 is both the sum and product of its factors:
1 + 2 + 3 = 6
1 X 2 X 3 = 6
The symmetry of 6 is an expression of the sacred geometry that governs the material forms throughout the universe.
When nature wants to express balance, beauty and uniqueness it does so through the vibrational essence of 6. The honey comb made by bees are 6-sided or hexagonal in shape.
6 is an important number in Taoism and all the Abrahamic and Dharmik Religions.
There are 6 tastes in Ayurveda: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. We have 6 senses.
6 is everywhere and part of our lives. The significance of the great number 6 has inspired us to create and present this amazing concept of the 6C’s of our Hexagon Taxonomy.
The 6C is simple yet strong in nature. It will enable you to
Manage yourself
Manage your Professional life
Manage your relationships
in a meaningful and effective manner.
Please feel free to contact us at info@faileditsok.com